Sep 6, 2009

Free Online Training on SQL Server

How many of you like to join a really technical deep dive seminar? Well, if you are in US you have a high chance of joining the seminar after paying the registration fee. But for those who are in other places now have a chance to attend one online, for free. Quest Software - a leading provider of tools in windows administration, virtualization and of course, SQL Server - is organizing one.

This training mainly on administration of SQL Server, where resource governor, profiler and other Microsoft tools related to performance optimization will be discussed. The afternoon sessions will be too late for most of the Sri Lankans, but the morning session is a good time to attend. (Do you sleep before 9.30 pm? Can you stay up till 12:30 am?)

Interested? Have a look on the agenda here:

Recently PASS had a 24 hour free online seminar on various subjects. I was able to attend a few, but due to some issues in my online calendar, I couldn’t attend all. They were really good ones. I was able to gain much from them.

For those who have missed them, they have a chance to view them later. The meetings are being archived, and they’ll be available for replay after the PASS Summit in early November.

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1 comment:

SPWS said...

Free Sql training is a good opportunity to learn the language. I will search for some online training again about SQL.

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